
Yesterday night at my best-friend's birthday I wore these jewels. I love them. The flower bracelet made my jewellery-set complete.

Then there was a friend who wanted to be on the picture as well. I must say for mens hands they looked great. I like the jewels he wore, especially the bracelet.

My favorite shoes


Everyone has a favorite pair of shoes in their closet.
Mine is a pair I bought in 2011 in Berlin at the H&M (Divided). And the funniest part is that those shoes were only 10 euro's!!
I am never the type who buys shoes at H&M or actually I love leather good quality shoes, cause those polyester types can really hurt your feet.
But these shoes are amazing and still very stylish!
I had them for over 2 years now, the heels are 10 cm. But still they are so comfortable, so comfortable I could run a marathon on them :)
What are your favorite shoes? Or your most stylish, yet comfortable pair of shoes.
Yesterday night I went to a party with some friends. Since it's still hardcore winter here I could not wear the orange playsuit without a legging.
I was wearing my Martin Margiella for HM shoes. I love those shoes, they are super stylish and still very comfortable!
I wore this outfit with a wallet I got from a friend. The wallet was perfect since it fit my phone and lipgloss.
So I guess I was very colorful and in matching colors..
I love these shoes!
Buy them at Supertrash 
Wear them with dark blue jeans and a plain white blouse, gold jewels and a gold watch.
Wear a black belt on the white blouse.